Case Study

Oh Henry! - Halloween Helper

Brands conventionally celebrate handing out candy to trick-or-treaters. But many people avoid or even dislike Halloween. Especially our millennial target, who would rather stay inside and watch Netflix than answer the door for strangers all night.

That’s why we created the Oh Henry! Halloween Helper. It’s a combination candy bar dispenser/human head that stands in for you, so you can participate in Halloween while completely avoiding your front porch.

Jason is an ACD art director that joined Rethink Toronto in 2021 after stints at Anomaly and TAXI.

In tandem with his writing partner Marko Pandza, Jason has been recognized at all major award shows (merits count, right?) His work has hit #1 on Reddit as well as being featured on the top 10 list of the most viewed ads on Youtube in 2019. Jason’s work has also been featured on Terry O’Reilly’s Under The Influence podcast twice.

Jason enjoys gardening, fishing and generally being outside. At times Jason questions why he chose a career that takes place indoors.